

Control Panel Demo

Every domain registered at CanReg.com receives free website hosting for life. Full online administration is found in your domain admin panel.



Who is CanReg.com?

CanReg.com and DollarDomainName are partner companies. CanReg.com currently offers extra hosting features.

DollarDomainName.com clients can take advantage of these features, please give us a call at 1-866-310-9571 to speak with an agent.




Why should I own a domain ?

Personalize your email address, website, blog or gallery. A domain name conveys professionalism - it's your lasting brand.

We host your email and website for free. Already have an email or site? We link and forward your personalized email for free. It's never been easier or cheaper to look good on the web.

Domain Registration

Real time registration for all major domains. CanReg.com is CIRA accredited and a Network Solutions Premier Partner.



Free Web Hosting

Why pay for hosting? Manage your domain and hosting from one central control panel. Convenience and security.



Multi-Year Discounts

Secure your domain for more than one year and start saving. Save up to 46% off our regular price.



Register Your Domain Fast